Warm Weather Shipping
Please Make Sure To Protect Your Order from the Heat by adding on our “Warm Weather Shipping” for $7.99. We have invested a lot of time researching the best methods to use and supplies to offer to assure our gourmet treats arrive to you in optimal condition. Our “Warm Weather Shipping” includes an insulated cold shipping box and cold pack designed to keep your pretzels from melting for 48 hours! Because of this we recommend choosing 2 day shipping (2 day shipping recommended if shipping to any state other that PA/OH/WV/NJ/DE/MD, which only need warm weather shipping but not 2 day shipping in 70+ weather).
When temperatures are expected to be 70+ degrees or higher during 10 days from order placement, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of receiving melted pretzels! Please carefully consider the two options below when temperatures are expected to be between 70-90 degrees, so that your order arrives just like you expected!
Option I: Select a Warm Weather Shipping Option
Select Warm Weather shipping at checkout (includes an insulated Cold Shipping Box and Cold Pack) for $7.99
AND: Be home for delivery!
Choose a delivery address where someone will be available to accept the package so it doesn't sit outside in the heat. Tip: If the box feels warm, open immediately to expose your sweets to cooler indoor air. If chocolate has softened at all, give it a chance to firm up again before handling further.
Option II: Risk it
Every order is different. It's possible your particular order will be just fine with standard shipping. So you should ask yourself, how important is it that your gourmet chocolate arrives in perfect condition? Do you need the chocolate covered pretzels to look pretty for a party or a gift? Or do you figure it's all just going to end up in your stomach anyway, so who cares? If you are less concerned about everything being perfect - or if you just want to save some $$ on warm weather shipping - you can always risk it!
Additional Notes: We do NOT advise ordering our pretzels at a time when expected temps are to be above 90 degrees - they will surely melt! Temperature fluctuations naturally cause chocolate to "bloom", where the cocoa butter separates resulting in changes in color and texture. Bloomed chocolate is still edible but may be less attractive. It often looks like it has a white coating, which is just the cocoa butter (and not mold!).